Heal the Earth

Everything comes to a standstill and a strange silence surrounds us

Our Mother Earth decided to switch off, as it could no longer tolerate us

We were created not to be owners but caretakers of the Earth

But we focused only on our need and ignored its true worth.

We caused it decades of neglect, torture, abuse and pain

We are called human but somehow became so inhumane.

We could exist in harmony with every living creature,

But we only pursued what we could hurt, harm, steal or capture

Superior to all animals is what we were supposed to be

But animals seemed to be more sensible on the contrary

Mother Earth screamed and shouted and cried out in agony

But in our busy lives, we seemed to have lost our sanity.

With no recourse she has finally collapsed and now  

As she recuperates, we come to realize our folly somehow

While we are now restrained and confined indoors

Animals and birds cavort happily and freely outdoors

All that we thought was important has been taken away

We now learn to survive, to manage, to adjust and to obey

Nature has existed way before humanity came to be

It doesn’t need us but we need it for our survival and identity

What can we do now to help earth get back on her feet?

Heal our inner selves first – that would be essential indeed

We cannot heal the world until we heal from within

So we need to reflect, reset, re-prioritize and re-begin

Fix the mistakes and pledge to make a transformation

Let’s find the balance as we owe it to the next generation

Mother Earth cares for us dearly and our remorse will be enough

For her to forgive and enclose us in her warm embrace of love.

Happy Earth Day 2020!

Published by reflecthopebelieve

Reflect on life and count your blessings, Hope to spread love and positivity around and Believe you can find a silver lining in the darkest cloud #Reflecthopebelieve That's me - Sonia Rodrigues!

15 thoughts on “Heal the Earth

  1. Beautiful as always … touched every point of life And it’s existence on earth … well written and so true too


  2. Beautifully portrayed !
    Constructive lines ,
    Warmth ,
    The same beauty in your words as that of you !


  3. Very well written👍🏼😊 and i hope after all this comes to an end we will have true value for our mother earth and Act as a very good caretaker!!


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